There was once a man called Nasooh. Although a man, but his outward form and voice was like that of a woman. In the King's palaces, he was appointed to wash the ladies and daughters of the King and to cleanse them. He always used to dress in woman's clothing and was accepted as a maid servant and worker.
Because he was a man and had all the lustful passions of a man, he used, to enjoy all these passions and desires while massaging and washing the ladies of the King's household. On various occasions he repented of his acts and lifestyle, but soon after, his 'self' used to coerce him into breaking his towbah. One day he heard that a certain holy man had arrived and he also went to meet him. He went into the presence of the holy man and asked him to also remember him in his prayers. The saintly man made duah.
"The duah of the holy man reached above the seven heavens. And through that Nasooh was successful. The Lord of Glory and Honour created a means for his salvation"
It so happened that Nasooh and all the other female servants had to be searched. In the female section of the King's palace, a very precious and costly pearl was lost. The door to the female section of the house was closed and the search began. When the pearl was not found, an announcement was made:
"That all the maid servants should become undressed, Whether they were young maidens or old women ".
As he heard this announcement, Nasooh started trembling, as he was in actual fact a man, who for a long time had been acting as a woman, with no one knowing about it. The thought went through his mind: "Today I am going to be disgraced. The King will surely out of his sense of honour and shame, take revenge upon me. That means he will punish me with death. My crime is a very serious one.
Out of fear, Nasooh went into privacy.
His face became pale, his lips turned blue from fear.
Nasooh saw death in front of his eyesAnd shaking like a leaf, he fell down into prostration.
He said:
" O Lord, many times have I chosen the wrong path.
Many times did I repent and many times did I break my repentance.
O Lord, do that which is suitable for Your High Rank.
For from every hole, snakes are biting me.
If the search for the pearl passes the servants and reaches me, Then how great will be the calamity that will befall me?
This time cover me up O! Allah. I seek forgiveness and repent From every improper act of mine.
Nasooh was talking to Allah thus and said:
"O, my Lord, in my heart numerous flames of sorrow are burning And You see the blood of my liver in my supplication to You. And see in which state of destitution and pain I pray to You".
Nasooh was busy crying before Allah in this manner when he heard a voice saying to him: "All have been searched. O Nasooh, come forward and undress, that we may search you ".
As Nasooh heard this announcement he realised, by becoming undressed his secret will be exposed. He was so struck by fear that he fell down unconscious and his soul started flying about in the celestial regions. His soul went near to Allah while he was unconscious. At that time the mercy of Allah started boiling and through the command of Allah the pearl was found, before Nasooh could be searched. This saved Nasooh from any humiliation and disgrace.
Nasooh regained consciousness and his eyes appeared much more enlightened than before. In other words, while he was unconscious, the mercy of Allah caused his soul to experience the nearness of Allah and the light shining in his eyes was from that experience.
The ladies of the King's household came to him and apologised to him and in soft terms begged his pardon for having had suspicions about him. They said: "Pardon our suspicions. We are sorry for having caused you so much trouble. We had a wrong suspicion about you and have in our conversation back-bited you. Pardon us".
Nasooh replied:"This is the grace of God upon me, O0 my benefactors. Whatever was said about me, I am worse than that".
Thereafter one of the King's daughters asked him to bath her. Nasooh had repented and promised to lead a life of righteousness. He had during his unconscious state reached a high place of nearness with Allah. How could he after such contact with Allah and after attaining such Yaqeen in Allah, return to the darkness of sin. He realised that darkness after light was deplorable. He told the King's daughter:
"O daughter, now the strength of my hand has gone,And I have become indisposed."
In this manner, he saved himself from further sin.Thereafter he said to himself:
"My crime and fault has proceeded beyond the limit.How can the fear and sorrow ever leave my heart?I have made true repentance to my Lord, which I will never breakEven though my life should separate from my body".
Lesson from this Story
From this story the following points of advise are extracted:
1. One should never lose hope over his evil deeds. The Mercy of Allah is powerful enough to bring about rectification in all cases.
2. One should also seek the duahs of the saintly ones, just as Nasooh did. He was successful in his request.
3. In this story there is a great lesson in how at the time of extreme emergency, Nasooh turned to Allah and how he cried lamentfully before Him in dire circumstances.
4. We also see how Nasooh spent a large part of his life in sin. This was a very dangerous situation but Allah in His Mercy, arranged a way out for him, by creating a way towards guidance and granted him the ability to make true and sincere towbah. Then the rank of his towbah, which appears in the last couplet, contains a great lesson for repenters. Nasooh promised that even if it should mean his death, he will not break his towbah.
Subhaanallah! What a great promise from Allah's sincere servant, that even if life should be removed from his body, yet he will not in future break his towbah. This is something which points to great rank, great courage and great ambitious nature. May Allah grant us all such towbah and may He guide us to that which He loves and to what pleases Him.
It is narrated by The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) :
"Backbiting is talking about somebody which if he/she heard, would grieve him/her." Hence, it is not allowed to talk about somebody in his absence, even if what was narrated was true. If it was not true, then it would be a bigger sin and it is called
(false accusation). It is important to note that to find other's faults or to talk sarcastically or to defame a person is called '
In the Qur'aan, Allah states in Surah Al-Hujuraat:
"Do not defame one another."It means that when you find faults in others, they will turn around and find faults in you.
The beauty of this wording of the Qur'aan is that it says that finding faults in others is like finding faults in you. Just like Allah states:
"Do not kill yourself."
Hence, if you kill others, they will try to kill you.
Allah also says in the Qur'aan (Surah Al-Humazah):
"Woe to every slanderer and back-biter!"In the twelfth verse of Surah Al-Hujurat, Allah made it clear that defaming another Muslim in his absence is like eating the flesh of your dead brother, which obviously, everybody abhors. Hence, it is the most horrible sin. Note that if the person is present, he may have a chance to defend himself, although everybody does not have the courage to defend themselves in these circumstances. If, however, he is defamed in his absence, the damage is deep and somewhat permanent.
Backbiting is not done by the tongue alone, it can also be done with the eyes, hands and other movements. For example, copying somebody who is limping, in order to insult him.
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
" Backbiting is a worse sin than adultery."It is further explained in a saying of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) , narrated by Abu Sa'eed and Jubair in Bayhaqi:
"Allah may forgive a person if he repents after committing adultery. HOWEVER, Allah will not forgive the one who backbites, till his victim forgives him."One time, the Messenger of Allah pointed towards two graves and said to his companions that both of these people are being punished in their graves. One of them used to backbite people and the other was not careful about spilling drops of urine on his clothes and body whilst urinating.
During Me’raj, the Prophet saw some people who had nails made of red copper. They were tearing apart their faces and chests with these nails. The Holy Prophet asked the Angel Jibrail a.s about them,
He said,
“They are being punished because they used to eat people’s flesh in their lives, "i.e. used to backbite and defame others.Abu Huraira narrates that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)said,
“The killing of a Muslim by another unjustly, usurping others’ wealth or defaming other Muslims is totally forbidden (or Haram).” (Muslim) NOTE: Listening to backbiting is the same as backbiting somebody. It is better to walk away from such individuals.Backbiting violates the rights of Allah and the rights of people simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the victim first, since Allah will not forgive until the victim forgives. If the victim has died or is untraceable, then ransom has to be paid.
Anas narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, :
“The ransom for backbiting is to pray to Allah for forgiveness by saying, “ O Allah! Forgive my sins and his too.” When backbiting, the person does not think about how the other person would feel if he knew what was said about him, he doesn't think as to how he would feel if the positions were reversed. We like backbiting but hate to be backbitten about.
The Hadith says,
“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” Everyone would hate to be backbitten about so why do they backbite? We should bring into our hearts the fear of Allah to save us from this grave sin and all other sins.
Backbiting to save a Muslim from harm is permitted, but the best thing is not to talk unnecessarily about anyone in a good way as well because the devil will entice you into mentioning his faults. For example, “He's a good person but he has these habits……….”
To save ourselves from this sin and many others, one should act upon this Hadith which deserves to be written in gold.
The Hadith states, “Whoever stayed quiet saved himself.”This very sin which Muslims consider right is the sin which could send many to hell.
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said,
“The tongue is what will cause people to be flung face down into hell.”May Allah Taa'la save us from the hell fire and all sins that we have committed and may we not be deprived of the goodness of our deeds on the day of Qiyamah, due to a few minutes of carelessness of our tongue.Ameen!