LANALLAH __Islamic BlogZine__
From the pen of Faqihul Ummah , HADRAT MUFTI MAHMUD SAHEB (R.A)Bismihi Ta'ala Respected Mufti Saheb Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah ... I am in a terrible state. It seems as if some darkness has engulfed my heart. Daily I recite the kalimah 100 times in the morning and evening but yet I find no effect upon me. I am punctual with my salaah, but it is without life and soul. I think I am the worst of all people. As a result I feel absolutely despondent...Please make dua for me that I should be granted death on Imaan. ...
SUMMARY OF REPLY: Bismihi Ta'ala Respected Brother Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah ...Do not ever become despondent due to your present circumstances. ...It is the grace of Allah Ta'ala that he has opened up the reality in front of you. You have not been left in the misconception that afflicts many people that they regard themselves as great and as being people of high status whereas in reality they are nothing. May Allah Ta'ala save us from this malady. Remember this well that a person will only gain salvation due to the mercy of Allah Ta'ala. No person will gain salvation on the basis of his actions. Sometimes a person does numerous good deeds, but then suddenly pride develops within him. Due to his numerous good deeds he regards himself as worthy of Jannah. However, due to the evil of his pride he becomes deprived of all the good actions and eventually becomes worthy of punishment. Allah Ta'ala has saved you from this serious malady. For that you should be grateful to Him. Sometimes a person who has spent 70 years of his life upon kufr,. is finally granted Imaan and thus he goes to Jannah. It also happens that a person spends 70 years of his life on Imaan but then due to pride he is deprived of this great wealth and ends up in Jahannam. Hence no person can ever be proud of his actions and rely upon them while becoming totally unconcerned about the punishment of Allah Ta'ala. To the extent that one regards himself as lowly and worthless, to that extent will one become worthy of the forgiveness and mercy of Allah Ta'ala. Ponder in solitude over this that Allah Ta'ala has created you as a human being, not as some snake or scorpion, etc. He has saved you from kufr and shirk. He grants you the ability to take His name daily. He permits you to stand in His presence and perform salaah. Insha-Allah He will protect you in the Hereafter as well. It is incorrect to despair of His mercy.. May Allah Ta'ala help you. (Maktoobaat, vol.1: pg.80)
A man woke up early in order to pray the Fajr prayer in the
masjid (mosque). He got dressed, made his ablution and was on his way to the masjid.
On his way to the masjid, the man fell and his clothes got dirty. He got up, brushed himself off, and headed home. At home, he changed his clothes, made his ablution, and was, again, on his way to the masjid.
On his way to the masjid, he fell again and at the same spot!
He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his clothes, made his ablution and was on his way to the masjid.
On his way to the masjid, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied "I saw you fall twice on your way to the masjid, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way." The first man thanked him profusively and the two were on their way to the masjid.
Once at the masjid, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and pray Fajr with him. The second man refused. The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same. The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.
The man replied "I am Satan." The man was shocked at this reply. Satan went on to explain, "I saw you on your way to the masjid and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the masjid, Allah forgave all of your sins. I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to the masjid. Because of that, Allah forgave all the sins of the people of your household. I was afraid if i made you fall one more time, then Allah will forgive the sins of the people of your village, so i made sure that you reached the masjid safely."
Missing Thoughts...
In the quietness of my thoughts
I reached out
and found nothing.
Patient tears flowed upon an endless crevice
burning the current's path into a deeper emotion-
Visions of material success, possessions and fame
built empty dreams upon weak ideals.
In a self-created world, my self-created world, I was surrounded
by frustration, denial and an image of who I'd become.
Recollection of parties,
of school
of life
of awards
of moments that were drawn up to reflect "living" and "achievement"
-drawn by a girl who thought she was the artist-
Are nothing more than pieces that remain dead to the conscience of my heart. Memories of times when I thought I should be happy
I stood shuddering in shameful loneliness
letting the bitter wind of reality consume me
and yet I don't know why. . .
Feelings I see in my patchwork of faded existence seem to reveal that
Something was missing,
Is still missing
Was always missing.
I quiet myself further and try and find out why the tears
burn with shame and the Noor has disappeared from my face.
Perhaps it was never there
Perhaps I never let it into my heart
Perhaps I thought I was strong enough on my own.
"Oh Allah (swt) please forgive me,
I need You, I need Your guidance, Your forgiveness,
Your mercy. I am nothing when I fail to remember You,
I am nothing without You
. . . I am nothing at all"
Author Unknown
How Crystal Became Muslim
Site on the Prophets in Islam by Ibn Kathir
Turning Muslim in Texas
Documentary: Turning Muslim in Texas: people reverting to Islam in Texas
Interview: Robert Fisk on the Middle East
If I told you someone was going to climb through your bedroom window at 1:17am, grab your wallet, your watch and your cell phone, would you get your guard up? You probably wouldn't think I was serious, say "yeah right,and snuggle into your warm comfortable bed for a good night's sleep. What if it did happen? What if you woke up and found that your wallet, your watch and your cell were gone? If it did happen, you'd be duped. That's what. Duped: conned, deceived, jerked around, fooled, played, tricked.
While these other words kind of give an idea of duped, they miss one important thing: to be duped is to see it coming, yet get hit. ----------- If I told you I got news that someone was after you, that someone wanted to destroy you, that someone wanted to drag you into the depths of hell and was going to use all the resources available to do it, would you believe me? What if Allah told you, would you believe Him? What if that someone himself said it, would you believe it? Check it out, Satan said: "I will make things on earth seem attractive to them (mankind) and lead all of them to error, except those of Your servants whom You have singled out for Yourself." (Quran 15:39-40) Satan has explained it clear enough: we, mankind, have a sworn enemy. So what do we do about it? Well for one, DON'T BE DUPED! ... The Defense - 5 Things to Realize 1. We Choose, the Power is Ours! Satan tries to convince us that we are just pawns in a plan that will play itself out. Allah is the Creator of all things, including men, women and their actions. We are the 'doers' of our actions, i.e. we choose to do certain things and not to do certain things. "We showed him the way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)." (Quran 76:3)
While Allah has the power to control our actions, He has given us guidance and left it up to us to follow it. Once we realize that we choose our actions, it only makes sense that we are accountable for what we do. 2. Dupe Check With Satan constantly attacking us, we need to check our choices so we please Allah and make it to paradise. How do we know if we are on track or headed for a wreck? We should always keep ourselves in check. But as the saying goes, "no one can be their own best critic". That's why it's important to receive critiques from others with an open mind. No one likes to hear they�re doing something wrong, but we should take every opportunity we can to hold ourselves to account before we are held accountable by the All Seeing, All Hearing and All Knowing God. 3. The Ultimate Reinforcement Satan admits he can't win over those people who follow in the path of Allah. When we feel Satan's whisper loosen our grip on what's real and what really matters, we call for back-up: "O my Lord, I seek refuge with you from the evil ones. And I seek refuge with you, O my Lord, lest they should come near me."(Quran 23:97-98) No matter how hard Satan hits, Allah's got our back! 4. Been Duped? Undupe! People aren't perfect: we will make mistakes. Satan dupes us by making us think that minor sins aren't important. So we might think, "What's the big deal if I tell a 'white lie'?" The fact is, lies are lies and sins are sins, and as the Prophet said, even minor sins, "if a person is called to account for them, will destroy him." [Ahmad] So how do we repent for what we do wrong, whether minor or major? *Recognize what's wrong and stop doing it right away.
*Hate the action and regret that we ever did it.
*Be determined never to do the action again.
*If someone's rights were violated by the action we should seek their forgiveness and set things right. While we may end up falling into the same trap again, we can always repent and get back on the straight path. Only those people who give up and continue to follow Satan are duped and truly losers. 5. Mission Not Impossible With tough talk like, "then will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left" (Quran 7:17), Satan can seem intimidating. But we know from the Quran, on the Day of Judgment Satan will back down and double-cross those he duped: "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but you listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls." (Quran 14:22) Even now, while Satan thinks he's all that, we can and have beat him. Just look at what the Prophet said to Umar Al-Khattab! "Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours." [Bukhari and Muslim] With these 5 points in heart and mind, we've stacked our defense: It's time to take the offense! The Offense - Stay on track and fight the attack! 1. The Best Offense is a Good Defense We can never pray enough for Allah's help; the five daily prayers, a night of bonding in voluntary prayers or simply ask Allah for protection from Satan and dupedom. 2. Get the Guide Read, understand, absorb and live the Quran. It guides us with examples of how people in the past dealt with Satan, it consoles us in our struggle and it lights hope with the promise of paradise. [See, Quran: Your Gateway to a New World ] 3. Follow the Leader While Satan strives to lead us astray, we should remember the example of the Prophet who was sent to guide us to the right way. If we practice like the Prophet, we too can defeat dupedom! 4. Get Stacked Don't bear the brunt of the battle alone; you need the help of your friends. As the Prophet Muhammad said, "A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look (carefully) whom you choose to befriend." [Ahmad] A group of dummies are destined to be duped so find friends that feel the way you do about faith. [Check out Cool or Fool ] 5. Never Stop Satan is relentless. He won't stop until he has us on a one-way trip to hell. We need to be just as persistent in the resistance, always purifying our hearts and filling our minds with the remembrance of Allah. Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves: If You don't forgive us and bestow Your mercy upon us, we will certainly be lost.Courtesy:
Mankinds debt to Rasulullah (Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam)